José A. Navarro

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Contact information and description

Telephone: -3.285687
Mobile phone:
Túnel de La Mamola ,
18750 La Mamola, Granada, España

The tower of Cautor, that dominates the village from the hill that is to the West is a fortification of century XVI. The tower that was until recently in a state of appreciable deterioration, has been recovered recently, and it presents the impeccable aspect that we can see here.
The tower is an historical memory of the situation of this coast during some periods of the history, in which it was border between Europe and the Muslim kingdoms of North Africa. Also during long periods of time the pirates knocked down the populations of the coast.
These towers had a military detachment and pieces of artillery and fusilade. The life utility of these fortifications goes from the same conquest of the kingdom of Granada by Kings Católicos to the war of Independence, in century XIX. During this period different abandonments and reconstructions followed one another, according to the swings of the politics and the economic situation of every moment.
Recently, the city council acquired the tower that belonged to the Department of the Interior, for being a constucción of military use.